Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Reaction: Marching cubes: A high resolution 3D surface construction algorithm

This paper describes the algorithm named Marching cubes, in which 3D space is divided in small cubes (similar to voxels) and then determines intersection surface of full model.This is on each cube containing points from 4 set of slices.Paper very clearly defines the complete process of this algorithm and describes it in very effective step by step process on page 166.Author has also stated in end that they expect better acceptance of algorithm as CAD hardware speed increases.
However paper contains lots of detailed description of algorithm which requires previous knowledge computer graphics.I find this algorithm to be error prone as it just contain 256 permutation cases of 14 basic intersection surface, therefore I doubt it usefullness in case precision is required.As this algorithm is of 1987 so might be it more better version would be used now in the field.It can be said that this algorithm would be novel and uselfull in 1987 as it was able to generate 3D views using 2D CT, MR and SPECT.