Saturday, September 17, 2011

Find: 10 Infographics and Visualization Apps for iOS

Looks like fun. 

10 Infographics and Visualization Apps for iOS

Randy Krum has a nice roundup of visualization apps for iOS (iPhone and iPad).  Some are free, some are paid, but all are neat.

As infographics continue to evolve and grow in popularity, so do the different ways we can view them.  A bunch of infographic specific apps have begun showing up on mobile devices. The functions of these apps include viewing world statistics, infographic design portfolios, company dashboards, creating mind maps, finding new apps and exploring your music collection visually.

I really like the “Stats of the Union” application from Ben Fry and others.

via Cool Infographics – Blog – 10 Infographics and Visualization Apps for iOS.

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Related posts:

  1. Knight Center offers new course: “Intro to Infographics and Visualization for Journalists”
  2. Client Infographics: Wine iPhone Apps
  3. Apple Reaches New Milestone: 500,000 iOS Apps (Infographic)

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