Monday, June 11, 2012

Job: [CS-Alumni] Rendering positions with Activision

More via David

Benjamin Watson
Director, Design Graphics Lab | Associate Professor, Computer Science, NC State Univ.
919-513-0325 | | @dgllab

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David McAllister <>
Date: Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 10:07 AM
Subject: Fwd: [CS-Alumni] Rendering positions with Activision

Begin forwarded message:

From: Aaron Fulkerson <>
Date: June 8, 2012 1:27:47 PM EDT
To: Andrew Zaferakis <>
Subject: Re: [CS-Alumni] Rendering positions with Activision

Thanks Andrew for reminding me of this resource. :-) 

Hi, I'm Aaron. I graduated in 2004 from UNC with my degree in CS and went on to start I'm also the CEO. We're hiring too! Our customers are companies like SAP, Citrix, Mozilla, Intuit, etc. We develop a product that's a kind of next generation help system for technology companies. Moreover, we're located in San Diego, minutes from the beach. 

We're looking for engineers with web development skills. 

Andrew, let's get a beer sometime. 

On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 1:54 PM, Andrew Zaferakis <> wrote:
Hello all!
I'm the Lead Engineer on a new game development project for Activision that is about to begin next month.  The studio is located in sunny San Diego, minutes from the beach.  The target is for next-generation consoles (new Xbox, PS4) and PC.  I'm looking to add more rendering positions given the new technology.  If you are interested or know anybody else please send them my way.


Andrew Zaferakis
Lead Engineer
High Moon Studios