Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Data: 1940 US Census becoming fully searchable online through volunteer effort

The Verge - All Posts
1940 census | Wikipedia public domain

Today the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) released images of the 1940 Census, and a project is already underway to ensure that the information becomes easily available to anyone who wants to know a bit more about the Great Depression. The NARA has teamed up with leading genealogy groups like and to create what's being described as a "high quality, searchable database" of the more than one million pages contained in the Census. You can already browse through the Census images, but the process is cumbersome — for instance, you can't search by a person's name, but instead can only browse by location or enumeration district.

But with a team of online volunteers, the 1940 US Census Community...

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