Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Reaction - Task Taxonomy for Graph Visualization

A short paper but effective one which attempts to define tasks for better graph visualization. The authors present the taxonomy which can be useful while analyzing the graph viz. This paper looks similar to the tasks for InfoViz in one of the previous papers to react.

Initially the user has explained the graph objects in detail. This was kind of a redundant reading for me since being a Computer engineer I knew what graphs, node, links etc mean. Still it is good for people who have a very little idea about the graphs.

The authors present to us the graph task taxonomy i.e. a list of tasks generally encountered while analyzing - browsing tasks, overview tasks, attribute and topology based. It was interesting to read the acronyms GO, ARM, FOAF.

The flow of this paper is kind of different from the traditional research paper. This was a good read not because of its shorter length but the way the authors have presented it. You easily understand the four tasks and their sub level tasks and get an idea of how to apply this taxonomy to graph visualizations.

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