Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Reaction: Jigsaw: Supporting Investigative Analysis through Interactive Visualization

In the earlier paper, Hearst gave a small introduction to the Jigsaw systems. In an overview this method can be used for document concordances their entities visually in order to help analysts examine reports more efficiently. This paper goes in detail of the system and explains the various places where this system can be used and the various views which are available within the system.

Jigsaw system has listview, graphview, scatterplot view and text view. These views explains how Jigsaw can be used in various fields. A growing number of research and commercial systems are using visualization and visual analytic techniques to help support investigative analysis to the Jigsaw systems.

One of the most interesting way of using this system is to link all the views provided by the system and looking at the dataset helps to extract more from the dataset and the ultimate use of the Jigsaw system. To understand about a person one can use the list view first, and then use the text view to sort the words and then the scatterplot view to find the word frequencies. This way helps this system to stand unique from the other systems.

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