Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Reaction: Jigsaw: Supporting Investigative Analysis through Interactive Visualization

It was a really interesting paper to read. The authors discuss about a novel method to analyze large volume of text and thereby aid the analysts in the investigation process. For this the authors have developed a toll called Jigsaw which they used to represent the text document in a visual fashion. One thing which was interesting about this paper was that unlike other papers they have talked about the cost to analyze the document and how the relationships are determined. Another thing of concern is that how can the analysis be verified.

It gives me a feeling that having a tool like Jigsaw for large documents is very important in text summarizing as the amount of text data we have is enormous and having it represented as a visualization is ought to be very helpful. But I don't know how difficult and complex it would be for large ones as the authors have shown it only for short documents.

Another thing of concern is having to cope up with the use of multiple monitors. I have personally used two monitors at a time and it's really helpful but I guess it might be very easy to lose focus if we increase the number of monitor one has to look at simultaneously.

Further the authors have used various visual forms like tables, graph, text view, scatter view etc. to represent the document. I believe the advantage of having multiple representations is to provide a flexible and effective understanding of the document under study.

It would be really interesting to see some future work where they try to scale the use of this tool to larger documents.

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