This paper explains about Jigsaw system , an alternative technique of of assessing and making sense of large bodies of information. I believe , it acts as a visual index that presents entity relations and links in forms that are more easily perceived, thus suggesting relevant reports to examine next. Further the author suggests that for a better visual perception, its efficient to go with a graph based approach compared to a scatter plot as in the later it becomes very difficult for the user to discern and extract critical information. Decision making for Business Process intelligence can be one thought of one of the important beneficiaries of this scheme because on a day to day basis I fell there is a driving need for information summarizes to perform transition from goals to actual business realization. The author also talks about report generation in a visually perceptive way through Analytics and mentions that they should not be replaced by tools. Other systems sometimes put too much information into a single complex view. With the result that though information may be present, it is harder to discern and is much less easier from the analyst's viewpoint. With Jigsaw I feel the synthesis of all the views and their interactive capabilities that provide an environment for aiding investigative analysis.
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