Saturday, September 17, 2011

Viz: Real-Time Visualization of Discussions about Breast Cancer on Twitter

Fun, but useful?

Real-Time Visualization of Discussions about Breast Cancer on Twitter


"Who's talking about breast cancer?" by "socially conscious information visualization firm" Periscopic reveals the currently ongoing discussions on the topic of breast cancer on Twitter.

First, about 1,500 relevant tweets captured within the last 7 hours are collected in a single view that resembles a slowly gravitating space galaxy. Each tweet appears as a unique particle, of which the size depends on how many times it has been retweeted. This highly dense but intuitive view can then be interactively explored and filtered by 3 different interests: 'topics', 'stories' and 'people'. For instance, 'topics' reveals the most used keywords that appeared within these messages (which uses some clever multi-color-coding of the particles to denote overlapping keyword usage), 'stories' show the web links tow external stories that were linked in these tweets, and 'people' ranks the most 'active' Twitter users for this theme.

Sent from my iPhone

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