Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Reaction: Toward a Deeper Understanding of the Role of Interaction in Information Visualization

The paper starts of highlighting the fact that information visualization as a field focuses on presentation of the visualization and has very less focus on interaction. In modern interfaces even the basic tasks on visualizations have interactions. So this brings up a valid point. The author talks about different interaction styles derived from  human computer interaction like direct manipulation. In order to address this problem the author has surveyed a lot of visualizations and recorded all the basic types of interactions a user does on visualization. The survey has resulted in seven categories of interaction. He has then talked about these categories. The list seems exhaustive for the present day interfaces. Although this might change with changes in systems of interactions and new interaction devices.

I felt that the paper has succeeded in bringing out the point about interaction. It has also provided a starting point to devise interaction strategies.  It was a good read and different kind of paper.

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