Sunday, September 18, 2011

Reaction: A Review of Overview+Detail, Zooming, and Focus+Context Interfaces

The author focuses on 4 approaches for working in interface schemes namely overview + detail : which uses spatial separation between focused and contextual views , Zooming : which uses temporal separation, focus + context : which minimizes the seam between views by displaying focus within the context and cue-based : which selectively highlight or suppress items within the information space.

Discussion about resolution of eyes and spatial partition, discussion about fish eye effect with example of Mac OS X were good.Examples of google map for overview + detail and  Microsoft power point were nice examples.  The perspective wall which was not covered in the paper The Eyes Have it ,  where we read and discussed about 7 basic taxonomies were discussed in this paper which I found very useful. They have tried to generalize the fish eye view using the formula degree of interest. fish eye tables, fish eye documents etc were good to categorizations too.

Even though the author says target acquisition in Mac OS X for dock is difficult with the fish eye view i find it more appealing to the eyes because of the animation which is different from the usual dock stations. May be in other cases what the author says is agreeable. Even though author has categorized four approaches , I felt all of them are mutually exclusive and can not be categorized as author has mentioned. Overall the paper gave lot of information and new learnings and was a wonderful read.

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