Monday, September 19, 2011

Reaction: The Eyes Have It - A Task by Data Type Taxonomy for Information Visualizations

What a paper to This paper could truely be used as a guideline for doing stuff related to information visualization. They have broadly covered most of the data types and interaction methods one could use while visualizing the information. There is a difference between just presenting a static visual image and providing an interactive visualization. This papers does tell us about putting more stress on a better data visualization. Also I totally agree with the fact that providing more features and interaction to the user might be overwhelming initially but once the user has practiced and learned it becomes really easy to comprehend and more informative. When I think as a beginner I found the seven tasks to cover most methods of interaction. Zoom, unzoom, filter, navigate, etc are all really basic but very important tasks. Overall this paper has succeeded in changing my percpective about visualizing data and has given me some new ideas which we could include in the project.

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