Thursday, August 18, 2011

Visualization: a Year's Worth of Nike+ Runs

Interesting, but how useful? I guess I know where to run, and think nike's cool....

Visualizing a Year's Worth of Nike+ Runs


This post was written by Andy Kirk, founder and editor of Andy will be guest editing Information Aesthetics for a short period while Andrew takes a well earned break.

Over the past few months we have seen a number of innovative projects looking to visualize running data from Nike+ sensors, reflecting the growing interesting in analysing and visually representing personal data.

The latest of these, and one of the most shared projects over the past week or so, is this stylish visualization of a year's worth of runs from the Nike+ website. The visualization can be best described by the design team in their own words:

"The runs showed tens of thousands of peoples' runs animating the city and bringing it to life. The software visualizes and follows individual runs, as well as showing the collective energy of all the runners, defining the city by the constantly changing paths of the people running in it."

This installation project was developed for Nike retail stores by YesYesNo [], a creative collective featuring leading interactive specialists Zachary Lieberman, Theo Watson and Emily Gobeille, to mark the launch of the Nike Free Run+ 2 City Pack. Custom software, made with openFrameworks, was created to enable playback of peoples' runs across New York, London and Tokyo.

Via FlowingData and YesYesNo

See also:

- Visualizing 1,000 Nike+ Runs in New York City

- Creating Dynamic Paintings with Nike+ GPS Run Data

- Nike Grid: Mapping Running Competitions in the City

Sent from my iPhone

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